Michael Harrison, MD

Dr. Harrison is director emeritus and co-founder of the Fetal Treatment Center at UCSF Children's Hospital. He is an internationally known expert in fetal surgery, an area he helped pioneer with his colleagues at UCSF. For more than 25 years, he has studied how life-threatening fetal abnormalities alter normal physical processes. He developed techniques for both open surgery and minimally invasive surgery to repair many birth defects. Harrison's team also developed in utero stem cell transplantation to treat immune system deficiencies, enzyme deficiencies and abnormal hemoglobin in the blood.

Dr. Harrison has been involved in the design and development of many pediatric devices and tools. He is currently developing a wide range of uses for implantable magnets. He is leading a FDA clinical trial to test an implantable magnetic device for the treatment of pectus excavatum. He has also developed devices to treat scoliosis and perform magnetic anastamosis of tissue in the bowel. Dr. Harrison is now principal investigator on a device to treat sleep apnea.

Dr. Harrison is the President and CEO of Magnets-In-Me and has guided the company since its inception in 2006.